Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mid Mornings with Lisa

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning I get to co-host the mid-morning shows with the lovely Lisa Atkinson, which is great as we do have a laugh on the show. Lisa is young, pretty and bubbly and I'm getting on a bit, face for radio and not as lively as I used to be! Surprisingly our music tastes are quite similar which must be good for my street-cred and between us we try to keep the show fast with quick links and music to sing along to while you're at work or busy doing your household chores.
Lisa is really excited as she now has her own blog and e-mail ( and we are in the process of scripting the jingles for the show, as long as I get a mention somewhere! If you listen to us and you want a shout out give us a call on 01492 870249 and we'll do our best.
We joked on today's show that the one caller had got a wrong number and we must be ex-directory so if you'd like to talk to the lovely Lisa pick up that phone..... We gave out details of a website this morning which had some amazing links to random piccies and videos and throughout the show Lisa was giggling over the other side of the studio.

Tune in:
Tuesdays 11am - 1pm, Wednesdays 9.30am - 1pm and Fridays 11.30am - 1pm

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